I was the teenager who stayed behind after school for band practice, choir practice, drama club, to learn an extra language… and somehow, at 25, I still can’t say no when offered extra-curricular gubbins to get stuck into. It’s true, I have a bit of a problem with volunteering.
One of the many pies I have my fingers in at the moment is the BPS Psychology of Women Section (POWS) committee. This past week I’ve been setting up a blog for POWS and helping out with breathing some new life into the various social media channels. Nothing fancy yet, just a simple WordPress.com site… which I will admit is a bit weird coming from almost 10 years of self hosted WordPress installs. I’ll cope for now, I’m sure, but I’m itching to make it look pretty. I can’t help myself.
We’re also going to be hosting a Twitter chat next Monday on the topic of sexism and the Girls Attitudes survey. This nifty little video summarises it pretty well.
Some pretty worrying content, am I right?
Check out the POWS blog at http://powsbps.wordpress.com/ and be sure to join in with our Twitter chat Monday 16th December at 8pm GMT. Use the hashtag #POWSchat so we can all follow the conversation. See you there!
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